
Jump & You will see…

via Daily Prompt: Jump

This is in response to The Daily Post: Jump 

“To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions”  by Benjamin Franklin.

More than a year ago we were living in the beautiful Land of the Long White Cloud but almost live in somewhere else before the other opportunity unfolds as quickly as the snow melts in a hot sun.  Some people are shocked to understand why we have chosen to come to the Land of the Desert & Opportunities instead of The land of the Giants .  

As per the quote above and my older post LINK here… you gotta be quick when opportunity knocks on your door.  Not everybody can have this chance in life!  Let’s say it is the best chances we’ve got over the two “lands”, besides this is only temporary.  We will go back as soon as we finish here.  Try to be patient and be positive that’s the name of the game.

So why not JUMP in?  Besides….

Image result for jump on chances quotes

Cheers!  thanks for reading.  🙂

7 thoughts on “Jump & You will see…

  1. Pingback: Jump – aYoKa

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